On Tuesday night, I was at the Nationals vs Cardinals game, and in the program they were promoted the Battle of the Beltways series this weekend. The headline to the promotion was "Always Rivals" I had to chuckle at that headline as the Nat's and O's are not even close to rivals besides the proximity of the two clubs and will most likely never be hated rivals. If Baltimore and Washington have some type of rivalry, it's between the Ravens and Redskins, but I will discuss that later in this post. I'm going to start with the overall aspect of a Baltimore Washington "rivalry" and then get into the so called rivalries of the Nats vs O's and Ravens vs Redskins.
For as long as I can remember, I have never understood the aspect of Baltimore and Washington as rivals. To me Baltimore and Washington are one big area, if you want crabs you go to Baltimore, if you want some chili you go to Washington. If you want to see scientific attractions, you go to Baltimore and if you want to brush up on your American history, you go to DC. In counties, such as Anne Arundle and Howard, the two cities tend to blend together since Anne Arundle and Howard are basically equal distance to Baltimore and Washington. Then there is the theme of both cities cheering for the same teams. Last I checked Baltimore doesn't have NBA and NHL teams, so they go to the next closest teams which are the Wizards and Capitals. The theory that Baltimore fans cheer for DC's winter sports teams is proven truth since the Caps will be playing a preseason game at First Mariner Arena this fall. Another common trend between Baltimore and Washington is the hatred of Shittsburgh I mean Pittsburgh teams. The one obvious team is the Penguins, and while there is no rivalry between the Skins and Steelers, I can't stand that team just as much as Ravens fans can't stand them and I'm not the only Skins fan that thinks that. So it really doesn't make sense for Baltimore and DC fans to hate on each other when they can just hate on one city as one big happy family.
Nationals vs Orioles: The one big reason why this rivalry won't work, and the reason why it shouldn't be called a rivalry is because, the only baseball team in the area for multiple years was the Orioles. So me and other fans, that cheered for Washington teams, gravitated to the next closest baseball team in the Orioles. Cal Ripken Jr is may favorite athlete so why would I cheer against a team that had my favorite athlete? Yes I do cheer for the Nationals also as I'm sure many fans from the DC area do, but when you have seen the Orioles play in multiple ALCS games in the 90's its hard to turn against them just like that. By baseball standards, the teams don't play enough either to become rivals. The Nats and O's play only six games a year against each other, compare that to the 18 games that the O's play against the Yankees and Red Sox and the 18 games that the Nats play against the Phillies and Mets. I'm not saying that they should get rid of this series between the teams, in fact, I enjoy watching my two favorite teams play against each other and its also cheaper as you have to only pay $10 to see both of your teams at once. That's a damn good deal to me. It's always fun to head to Camden or Nats park with a Nats cap and an O's t-shirt on or vice versa. Keep the series but it shouldn't be dubbed as "hated rivals" just keep it as Battle of the Beltways.
To me there are no rivalries between Bmore and DC teams. The cities have to many same allegiances to be rivals. But if you have a legit reason of why Nats O's and Ravens Redskins should be considered rivals let me know. Phrases such as "they just are" will not be taken, show me a video of the actual teams showing legit hatred for each other and then I will reconsider.
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