Thursday, June 17, 2010

He is Who I Thought He Was

As of Tuesday evening all hell broke loose at Redskins Park in Ashburn. Albert Haynesworth is now refusing to attend a mandatory minicamp this week, after being the only Redskin not to show up at any OTA’s this spring, because the team is switching to a 3-4 defense this year, fat Albert doesn’t want to play in it because he won’t get his stats in a 3-4, yea sure 4 sacks and 30 tackles last year was a lot of stats. On April 1, Haynesworth took a $21 million check in good faith that he would attend this week’s minicamp. This deal was made earlier this year when the decision was made to switch to a 3-4 and the second half of the deal was that Haynesworth had the option to look at all other 31 NFL teams to go else were until April 1. Haynesworth supposedly looked, I doubt it from seeing his effort on the football field, and like the lazy piece of shit Haynesworth is he took the money and decided not to come, basically committing a theft from the Skins. Head coach Mike Shanahan put 100% trust in the fat ass that he would come to camp.

“When we owed him a check for $21 million dollars, we said, 'If you take that check, we do expect you to be the best defensive end, the best nose tackle--if we play you at free safety, we expect you to be the best free safety,' even though he'd have to lose a little weight. Whatever position we play him at, that he would have to do the best job he possibly could and make the commitment to be the best football player. Obviously he took the check. So I was surprised he wasn't here [at mini-camp], because I thought he did make that commitment once he took that check, that he wanted to be a Washington Redskin and he wanted to do the best thing for the Washington Redskins to help our defense and help our team win. Obviously it didn't go in that direction. So we're very disappointed."

The actions of Haynesworth do not surprise me at all, when we signed Fat Albert. I knew right away this was a mistake giving a player who has never played a full 16 game season a record contract of $100 million over 7 years. That stat alone should’ve been a red flag to giving him a contract like that, but as usual good ole Dan Snyder could not resist signing the biggest free agent of the 2009 class. Albert’s laziness was noticed throughout the season as he was sitting out in the 2nd quarter of games to get air. I knew this was going to happen all along and it didn’t surprise me at all when the fat ass was sitting out of games because he was out of shape, but if Coach Zorn or anyone on the team called him out he could go crying to mommy and daddy aka Vinny Cerrato and Dan Snyder. Fat ass can’t do that anymore now that a new regime is in town with Bruce Allen and Mike Shanahan and that’s another reason why he wants out because he can’t get his way anymore despite the fact that he is being way over paid to be sitting on the bench sucking in his inhaler. London Fletcher’s quote sums up Haynesworth easily “This is a situation that's really basically uncharted waters. Where a guy has gotten their money [and] it's not about contract, this is about 'I don't fit the scheme.' Well, you don't know if you fit the scheme because you haven't been here, so until you come here and see if you fit the scheme... . If they're gonna pay you what they're gonna pay you to be a 3-4 end or 3-4 nose tackle, come, be the best 3-4 end, 3-4 nose tackle that you can be, and at the end of the day we'll be happy with you." Fletcher went on to say that Haynesworth is selfish and mostly everyone on the team agrees.

So where do the Redskins go from here, it’s obvious now that this was a huge mistake, no pun intended, or is it? The Skins have a few options, trade him, cut him, buy his contract out or just let this play its self out. If this were under old management I would see the Skins letting this situation play out, thank goodness we now have two people (Allen and Shanahan) that know what they are doing. The Skins tried to trade him during the draft and that didn’t work out, maybe because the other 31 teams are smart and know that something like this can happen with Haynesworth. If there will be a trade the most likely scenario I see happening is come training camp a DT will get injured somewhere and that team will be making a phone call to the Skins. The Skins can definitely get something for Haynesworth, but after this showing of attitude I doubt we can get a 1st or 2nd round pick now. Depending on how ticked off Bruce Allen and Mike Shanahan are, they right now could be considering either buying out is contract or just cutting him straight up. Obviously a buyout would be cheaper for the Skins, but at this point it doesn’t matter how Haynesworth leaves just as long as he is not in a burgundy and gold uniform on September 12.

Anyone that is a fan or is associated with the Washington Redskins has the up most right to be pissed off at Fat Albert. What Haynesworth basically did was just give one the biggest middle fingers to the Redskins organization that this team has seen. He’s already over paid to start off with then takes a check for $21 million to show up to minicamp and then doesn’t show at all. Haynesworth is saying F U to all of the fans that use their hard working money to pay for outrageous prices for tickets, food and parking at Fed Ex just to pay his fat salary and he can’t even get off his lazy ass and show up to just a minicamp? You have got to be kidding me, Haynesworth is the stereotypical athlete that just cares about how much he makes and could care less about his team. And the excuses he makes, “uh I was guaranteed that we were going to run a 4-3 defense when I came here” well guess what fat ass the NFL stands for Not For Long and you should’ve known that Zorn was not going to be there any longer. People that know me very well know that I always say “Excuses are like ass holes, everyone’s got them and the all stink.” Mr. Haynesworth your ass hole really stinks and I will celebrate like the Redskins won the Super Bowl when I see you leave town.

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